The solutions we’ve developed for ourselves are now available to you. Channel origination and...
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How Providers and Advertisers Win Together
The relationship between content providers and advertisers is deeper and more crucial than ever...
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How OTT is Changing the Role of Operators
The rise of OTT services has had a major impact on the traditional Pay TV business model. In the...
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Advanced AVOD/FAST strategies – a launch plan
Monetisation in MENA: The evolution of video Ad-based video experiences in the MENA region are under...
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How AI can scale retention via personalisation
Martin Webb, Director of Product Management, CloudTV, discusses how AI can enhance retention through...
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Scaling the Future of Television Webinar
The television industry is growing, with streaming adding considerable value on top of the...
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Scaling the Future of Television
Across multiplatform video and advertising ecosystems, stakeholders are more interconnected than...
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Video to the CDNth Degree: Multi-CDN Delivery, Optimized for Big Video
The reasoning behind a CDN deployment is simple: the more that a content provider can shorten the distance that a file must travel, the less time it takes to make it to the screen. Learn more about how you can multiply the benefits of CDN delivery.
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Cloud Video Platform: In-Depth
How does your media move? Where does it need to go? What happens when it gets there? We built the...
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Fox and SCTE 224 - Customer Story
In this Sofa Session, Mitch Askenas from CTS speaks with Kelly Miller, VP of Affiliate Operations...
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Improving content discovery using AI - Partner Story
In this Sofa Session, Mitch Askenas from CTS speaks with Jesús Herrero from Jump about customer...
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Machine Learning to Media Mastermind: Video Evolved
Video Artificial Intelligence (VideoAI) from Comcast Technology Solutions (CTS) is
a comprehensive framework of intelligent technologies that deliver greater advertising
efficiency and streamline operations.
Built on Comcast’s AI/ML infrastructure, VideoAI scans video content including every word, action, and object, to derive information from your assets to create actionable metadata. Years of experience and refined algorithms put VideoAI at the forefront of video management technology. It’s binge-watching as an applied science.
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Part 3: Everything For Every Screen – the Decade of Interoperability
With change as their only constant, Content & Streaming Providers need both stability and flexibility. During this webinar, we look at customer case studies and hear directly from peers about ways to keep providers at the forefront of tomorrow, as well as the adaptable infrastructure needed to get them there.
Hear from CTS GMs as they discuss how markets are changing and converging, shaping the media and entertainment industry for years to come.
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Part 2: Everything For Every Screen – the Decade of Interoperability
Competition and increased consumer demand continue to create challenges for MVPDs & Operators. In this webinar, we discuss how to create efficiencies and prioritize customer experience — offering not just solutions, but opportunities.
Hear from the CTS GMs as they discuss how markets are changing and converging, shaping the media and entertainment industry for years to come.
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Streaming in the 2020s – The Future of Streaming TV
Industry perspectives on the transformation of TV and the future of streaming services at the dawn...
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In order to make the most of its original content and expanding library, needed a...
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Metadata Mastery: Linear Video
Every piece of content tells two stories. There’s the story that’s told when a viewer presses the...
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Linear Rights Metadata Management Product Sheet
What is Linear Rights Metadata Management (LRM)? It's a fully supported Software as a Service (SaaS)...
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OTT Digital Distribution Product Sheet
Our over-the-top (OTT) Digital Distribution workflows prepare your content for delivery to any...
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Live Linear Streaming Product Sheet
Live Linear Streaming Product Sheet from Comcast Technology Solutions provides all the workflow...
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Comcast CDN Product Sheet
Streaming video, gaming, and consumption of other online media continues to grow and disrupt...
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Monetisation in MENA: Navigating the business of advertising in a shifting landscape
Monetisation in MENA: Navigating the business of advertising in a shifting landscape Hosted by...
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The advertising revolution in MENA - what next?
Monetisation in MENA: The evolution of video Ad-based video experiences in the MENA region are under...
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Applying AI for Premium Video
Join us for an exciting webinar as we delve into the world of premium video and explore the rapidly...
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AI and ML: The Future of Media Management and Personalization
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How AI is Transforming TV and Video
AI is having a profound impact on TV and video bringing multiple benefits but also complexity, which...
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Televisionation Friday Fireside: Comcast Technology Solutions’ Stuart Kurkowski on Metadata
Televisionation: Friday Fireside, the #1 television industry Webcast, features Rick Howe, The iTV...
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Metadata Mastery: Linear Video
Today’s metadata is increasing in depth and complexity. Rich data provides crucial information in...
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APAC CTS Connects Tech Summit 2022 On-demand
Hear our industry experts talk about how the popularity of streaming entertainment will only...
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CTS NAB Show 2022 Highlights
From AI to Addressability to Aggregation, NAB Show 2022 covered the latest in the media and...
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Smart(er) TV: AI/ML and the Future of Media Management
Superfans are the most passionate consumers; they know every detail about the content they love, and...
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Reflections on 2022 NAB Key Themes
Bart Spriester, GM & VP, Content and Streaming Providers Suite, and Peter Gibson, Executive Director, Product, Content & Streaming Provider Solutions, give their take about what topics were trending at the recent NAB show in Las Vegas. AI, monetization, content delivery, and cloud continue to get attention, but with the industry transformation in the past two years, has the conversation shifted materially? See what Bart and Peter have to say.
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Maximizing AI in Video
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are already important tools for media and entertainment providers, with common uses focusing on revenue and portfolio optimization and consumer engagement. However, many of the tools in use are not fully automated or “trained,” so providers are missing opportunities to go broader and deeper in consumer engagement with their AI tools or even forced to manually operate or input their solution.
This webinar reviews the key use cases and benefits of AI and ML in video services today, current implementations and the problems they are solving, and the potential for AI when solutions have learned over time, on robust data sets.
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The Digital Transformation of TV
The digital transformation of the TV industry, driven by running entire TV platforms from the cloud, is now in full swing. This session talks about the six core benefits that can be unlocked by digital transformation, and how transitioning to thinking “digital first” gives broadcasters the tools for growth.
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6 Key Factors to Consider for Cloud-Based TV Success
The TV industry is entering a new phase in its evolution and the trend toward cloud-based TV will...
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Video On Demand (VOD) Trends Infographic
Video on demand (VOD) usage continues to skyrocket through both pay-TV and OTT channels. Viewing...
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CTS Connects Summit 2021 On-demand
Hear from industry leaders and peers about the opportunities, ideas, and innovations that will shape media and advertising industries through this decade and beyond.
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The New Video Playing Field
PAC-12 Networks discuss the current and future state of sports video, and what they’re doing to reach more screens with winning, playmaking content.
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Keynote Presentation - The Security Advantage: Protecting Companies, Content, and Consumers
Security is essential at every level, from IP to customer data. In this session, Comcast’s Chief Security Officer Noopur Davis sits down with Bart Spriester to discuss Comcast’s approach to baking in security, not bolting it on.