| May 8, 2018

Metadata Mastery: Linear Video


Every piece of content tells two stories. There’s the story that’s told when a viewer presses the “play” button, and there’s the story that each piece of content tells about where it can be played. That second story is told within its metadata – and it’s a tale full of twists and turns.

This video metadata management whitepaper takes a look at the myriad of factors that must be addressed to deliver the right programming with associated information from machine to machine, and a mature content delivery strategy to account for each component. It’s a critical, increasingly complex function, and today there are more elements to consider than ever before. Content providers must perform a flawless balancing act to optimize content monetization in an ocean of mobile screens, contractual limitations, live events, and targeted regional programming. 

Fill out the form to download our video metadata management whitepaper. 

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