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June 11, 2015

Monetize C3/C7 and Maximize the Value of Your VOD Content

Paul Brickel

Viewers are consuming Video-on-Demand (VOD) content at an increasingly rapid pace, which has created monetization opportunities for pay TV operators. However, making the most of these opportunities can present challenges. Read on to find out what C3/C7 is and how mpx can help you maximize the value of your VOD content library:

What is C3/C7?

Several years ago, Nielsen Ratings (the primary measurement of a TV program’s success in the U.S. and Canada) expanded its measurement window to include the first three and seven days, respectively, beyond a program’s initial live broadcast. Called “C3/C7,” this longer window greatly increased the opportunity for pay TV operators to monetize via advertising. However, the workflow for delivering effective advertising for views during and after C3/C7 has introduced a number of challenges.

Often, programmers want to make TV shows immediately available after their live broadcast as a VOD asset. To support the C3/C7 window, the full ad load is retained and uploaded into their Video Management System (VMS). After the C3/C7 window has expired, the ads are no longer measured and are often not relevant to viewers. To replace those stale ads with more targeted ones, programmers have to archive the original asset, upload a new TV show asset without ads, and employ ad insertion to insert fresh ads. Setting up, executing, and managing this advertising workflow is a time consuming and costly process.

How does mpx simplify this advertising workflow?

mpx simplifies your advertising workflow with dynamic ad insertion (DAI), which allows a programmer to replace any ad in the original program without needing to replace the original as-aired asset. During the C3/C7 window, mpx will present any ads as originally broadcast, and will prevent users from skipping over those ads. Once the C3/C7 window closes, mpx takes the in and out points of each ad break and dynamically inserts new ads in place of existing ads. mpx is also flexible enough to either remove all ads or selectively replace individual ads. This DAI functionality allows you to monetize content outside of the C3/C7 window with different ads that are more targeted/relevant to viewers.

mpx also lets programmers seamlessly switch between server and client side ad insertion. Because mpx intelligently overlays the existing ad load of an asset with a new ad from your ad network, programmers don’t have to manage the specifics of the asset’s ad spots. By knowing the in and out point of each ad break mpx knows when to restart the program after dynamically inserted ads. Those viewing the program will be able to use a player’s fast forward and rewind controls, but not during the ads. Further, mpx’s server side ad insertion solution ensures that the ad breaks will survive the use of any ad blockers that may have been installed on a viewer’s device.