| December 4, 2019

Driving D2C Scale & Efficiency: How Pure Flix retooled its video platform to success

Audiences for direct-to-consumer streaming services are arriving online in earnest. The challenge for any D2C service provider is how to keep pace with the growth and efficiently drive the business forward. With a successful launch behind it, Pure Flix began to feel these growing pains. Management decided the video platform needed to be rebuilt to provide the flexibility, consistency, and data insights necessary to accelerate the growth and success of the service. To do it, Pure Flix turned to three of its key technology partners: Comcast Technical Services, 24i, and Wicket Labs.

Join Colin Dixon, Founder, and Chief Analyst at nScreenMedia, as he discusses the retooled video platform with Marc Beckwitt, Executive Vice President – Business Development, Pure Flix. Also joining the conversation will be:

  • Marty Roberts, CEO & Co-Founder, Wicket Labs
  • Martijn van Horssen, CEO, 24i
  • Evan Vernon, Director of Product Management, Comcast Technology Solutions

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