Producing Tomorrow's Producers: The Academy Way with Simon Cooper

Simon Cooper joined Academy Films in 1987, two years after it was set up. In just under 40 years in the industry, Simon has played a key role in the development of some of the industry's most famous names, including Jonathan Glazer, Frederic Planchon and Seb Edwards, all of whom started their careers (and remain) at Academy.

Having produced some of advertising’s most iconic moments, including a young couple careering through solid walls in Levis; a tower block exploding in a cacophony of painted Sony colour and ice-skating priests rescuing bottles of Stella, he continues, with partner Medb Riordan, to launch and nurture the directing stars of the future whilst maintaining the exacting creative and production standards for which Academy is famous.

Simon also sits on the APA council and is current Chairman of the British Arrows and Young Arrows Awards.

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