Drive better security decisions with connected insights

Using the DataBee Hive you can:

Breaking down data silos
Boost partnerships and collaboration

Transform data for cross-team/cross-department collaboration.

Get answers faster
Automatically discover relationships between data

Connect disparate – and even previously discarded – data sources to extract maximum value and insights.

Save money
Take back control and optimize data costs

Remain in control of your data while enhancing existing capabilities that also bring down costs.

Make better decisions
High quality data that drives the business forward

Surface real threats, know your security controls inventory, and develop actionable reports with business context.

Mature your security data journey
Improve your asset inventory for better security hygiene

Stay better informed about what assets you have and who owns them to address security or compliance gaps.

Go from data chaos to connected outcomes

How DataBee works

DataBee makes data a shared language with connected security data and business insights that can work for everyone. Let DataBee help you collaborate with data you can trust, automatically discover relationships between data points, take down technical barriers to data and achieve faster data insights, and gain control and ownership of your data.

DataBee Architecture

Drowning in security data, yet starving for insights & answers

Data is the currency of the 21st century. The expansion of the global datasphere enables businesses to use data to examine the past, react to the present, and predict the future. Yet, available data remains disconnected, making insights inconsistent and inaccurate.

More security data, more unanswered questions
There’s no shortage of security data, but businesses want insights and security analysts can’t get answers fast enough. Duplicative data is unintentionally collected and available data may live in siloes and lack business context.
Complex data landscape
Keeping up with data complexity and evolving data privacy regulations is skill-intensive and time consuming. When you need to understand relationships between data points, don’t let data chaos keep you up at night.
Runaway data costs
Data is costly to maintain, but being noncompliant with retention requirements also is expensive. Traditional data management and SIEM solutions can become cost-prohibitive for high data volumes and often lack flexibility.

DataBee products powered by the Hive:

DataBee for Continuous Controls Monitoring (CCM)

Strengthen all three lines of defense by automating and collaborating on security controls that help you close compliance gaps faster with DataBee CCM

DataBee for PCI-DSS 4.0 preparedness

Prepare for fast-approaching PCI-DSS 4.0 audit deadlines with less stress using prebuilt dashboards that provide a consistent view of controls compliance

DataBee for Security Threats

Feel confident in your security coverage with insights and context across users and devices for all security events.

DataBee for Security Hygiene

Get contextual, 360-degree view and understanding of your internal and external cyber hygiene and assets for visibility into controls coverage and gaps.
A look into the Hive

The DataBee Hive features new technology designed to automate data ingest, continuously validate data quality, provide a data catalogue and lineage, and achieve a remarkably lost-cost data processing profile.

We do this by ingesting your security and IT data sources and feed at its source – including non-traditional data telemetry such as your HR system of record, – into the DataBee engine where we auto-parse the content, flatten the data for analysis, normalize to OCSF schema, and further enrich with your business context. Then we add threat detection, compliance and risk measurement logic designed for scaled Fortune 20 questions, to make the dataset readily usable to different analyst departments across the security organization. As a result, the security, risk, and compliance data fabric platform produces an integrated, shared dataset that has improves indexing, more contextualized alerts, and can be stored cost-effectively in a data lake of your choice.

Transform data at Fortune 20 scale to extract more value cost effectively:
Proprietary Comcast developed software automatically ingests, transforms, and enriches security data with IT data and business context, purposefully designed with extremely affordable cost profile with ability to scale to Fortune 20 size and complexity
Enhanced support for Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF)
Hundreds of proprietary extensions that allows for analysis across security, risk, and compliance teams
Intuitive user interface
Make the data engineer’s life easy. Everything you need to quickly add data sources, monitor health & quality, quickly deploy BI content & views, and analyze data
Simple search – powerful results
Perform simple or complex search queries without the need for SQL or custom query languages
Anywhere ingest using Azure Blob or AWS S3 Storage
Simplify ingest using common cloud storage methods
120+ supported data sources
Make data usable fast leveraging over 120+ data source connectors that seamless parse and map your organizations data source to the OCSF schema
Direct connect to SaaS APIs
Quickly and consistently ingest from SaaS API data sources
On-premises log collector
Expanded ingest flexibility to integrate on-prem data sources
Databricks and Snowflake native data lake support
Flexibility to support customer’s choice of data lake
Data Quality Health & Monitoring
Obtain high-quality data that is accurate and complete for accurate insights and decision-making

Experience the buzz for yourself

Learn why enterprises are turning to a security, risk, and compliance data fabric to help them get ready for what’s next.