Simplify your BluVector deployment with experts

Implementing new security tools in an enterprise and agency security stack is a daunting challenge. From initial setup to ongoing maintenance and troubleshooting, we're dedicated to ensuring that you get the most out of your BluVector investment. BluVector experts work with your Security Operations Center (SOC) and Network Operations Center (NOC) teams to integrate, tune our models, and act on our threat detection. 

Operationalize your data and enhance your sandbox

Security has entered a new data problem. Security and data engineers are overwhelmed by a never-ending stream of disparate data. By “tuning at the source”, organizations can enhance threat hunting and improve incident response. BluVector works with DataBee™, part of the cybersecurity suite from Comcast Technology Solutions, to enable organizations to maximize the use of data sources while it is stored.

Sandboxes are insufficient when it comes to protecting the network and requires downsampling that can slow breach investigations. To make matters worse, today’s threats are engineered to avoid sandbox detection. BluVector acts as the first line of defense to flag suspicious and weaponized files for immediate detection while your sandbox performs analysis, stopping malware from propagating in your network. 

Learn more about BluVector