Blog | Advertisers
July 25, 2024

Political Advertising: the race to every screen moves fast

If there’s one thing that’s self-evident in this U.S. presidential election year, it’s this: political advertising moves fast.  

"For agencies representing the vast number of campaigns across state and national campaigns, it’s not just about the sheer volume, but also about the need to respond quickly,” explains Justin Morgan, Sr. Director of Product Management for the CTS AdFusion team. “Just think about how the news cycle – in just the last few days alone – has necessitated rapid changes in messaging that needs to be handled accurately across every outreach effort.  

For agencies representing the vast number of campaigns across state and national campaigns, it’s not just about the sheer volume, but also about the need to respond quickly.

Justin Morgan , Sr. Director of Product Management, AdFusion , Comcast Technology Solutions

According to GroupM, political advertising for 2024 is expected to surpass $16 billion – over four percent of the entire ad revenue for the year. As consumers we’re certainly aware that campaign messaging is constant, and constantly changing, but what does that mean behind the scenes from a technology standpoint?  

“Political advertisers have to maintain a laser-focus on messaging and results,” explains Morgan. “This makes accuracy and agility even more crucial, so that agencies can make changes fast and trust that every spot is not just placed accurately, but also represents their candidate(s) in the best possible quality, no matter where or how that ad gets seen.” 

person at voting box

For the AdFusion team, it’s important to make ad management simple and streamlined so our partners can focus on the most important goal, winning the race. That’s why we focus on three areas to help our clients get better, faster, and smarter:  

  • Better: Precisely target the right voters with the right message by leveraging program-level automated traffic and delivery 

  • Faster: Quickly shift campaign strategy as the race evolves by delivering revised ads and traffic in minutes 

  • Smarter: Drive compliance with one-hour invoicing and in-platform payments.  

Learn more about how AdFusion improves the technology foundation for driving political campaigns here.

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