Blog | Content & Streaming Providers
March 1, 2018

Multi-Platform Content Distribution? No Problem - How Content Providers Use Tech to Deliver Extraordinary Experiences

Philip Voelker

Binge-watching, as an audience behavior, speaks volumes about the value of content amidst unprecedented depth of viewer choice. What does this mean for multi platform content distribution? We can choose from a huge variety of devices capable of displaying video of phenomenal quality and select from a vibrant and growing ecosystem of content destinations and business models. Consider the number of devices through which you access your own video content today:

  • Do you have a favorite show that’s available through multiple providers, such as a broadcaster, mobile destination, or PC?
  • If the playback was interrupted by buffering or lag, what are the odds that you’d watch the whole thing? Would you try to play the same program through a different service?
  • Do you ever purchase content from one service over another, purely due to image and playback quality?

QoE and ROI

Quality of Experience (QoE) is one of the defining performance metrics of our day. Delivering on the promise consistently across devices takes concerted effort and execution across your delivery ecosystem. Important considerations include:

  • Is the image quality optimal for the viewer’s connection and device?
  • How often does buffering intrude on a program?
  • How easily are consumers finding your content?
  • How are they responding to pricing or advertising?

Multi platform monetization models rely on seamless workflow operation and playback to be measured accurately. Performance-related churn, aside from creating an experience that’s not worth repeating, also makes it really hard to know if your core business model is on the right track.

When it comes to playback quality, is it more likely that a destination will be known for its great playback, or that it’s known to crash, stutter, or lag? As much as we love to get fan mail about how great our playback was, the truth is that it’s the negative experiences that get all the press.

New eBook: Multi-Platform? No Problem. How Content Providers Use Tech to Deliver Extraordinary Experiences

Comcast Technology Solutions has published a new ebook, “Multi-Platform? No Problem — How Content Providers Use Tech to Deliver Extraordinary Experiences,” that looks into ways in which the relationship between content providers and audiences continues to drive new business models and technology innovations. Some of the insights explored:

Operating from the end: Successful multi platform content distribution is bringing the viewer’s journey to the center of operating plans, envisioning the optimal end-state and building an experience to match.

The challenge of modern metadata: In a complex ecosystem of mobile high-definition screens, and amidst countless membership and multi platform monetization models, content rights management is more complicated than ever. New technologies are helping companies to keep the right content on the right screens.

A pragmatic, repeatable framework: To address the ever-changing landscape of new media technology, delivery approaches, and multi platform monetization models, we present a new lifecycle management framework that keeps operations, technologies, and processes harmonized with an evolving audience experience.

Case study — keeping up with a massive fanbase: When a content destination racks up a series of hits, it takes a lot of agility – and network horsepower – to satisfy rapidly growing demand. We take a look at one brand that has transformed the way it manages and delivers its content so that it can keep the focus on creating the stories that keep a global audience tuned in.