Blog | Cybersecurity & IT
October 8, 2024

Bee sharp: putting GenAI to work for asset insights with Beekeeper AI™

up close of a stringed musical intsrumentArtificial intelligence (AI) and music are a lot alike. When you have the right components together, like patterns in melodies and rhythms, music can be personal and inspire creativity. In my experience having worked on projects that developed AI for IT and security teams, data can help recognize patterns from day-to-day activities and frustrations that can be enhanced or automated.

I started working in AI technology development nearly a decade ago. I loved the overlaps between music and programming. Both begin with basic rules and theory, but it is the human element that brings AI (and music) to life.

Recently, we launched BeeKeeper AI™ from DataBee, a generative AI (genAI) tool that uses patent-pending entity resolution technology to find and validate asset and device ownership. Inspired by our own internal cybersecurity and operations teams struggles of chasing down ownership, which sometimes added up to 20+ asset owner reassignments, we knew there was a better way forward. Through integrations with enterprise chat clients like Teams, BeeKeeper AI uses your data to speak to your end users, replacing the otherwise arduously manual process of confirming or redirecting asset ownership.

What’s the buzz about BeeKeeper AI from DataBee?  

Much like how a good song metaphorically speaks to the soul, BeeKeeper AI’s innovative genAI approach is tuned to leverage ownership confidence scores that prompt it to proactively reach out to end users. Now, IT admins and operations teams don’t have to spend hours each day reaching out to asset owners who often become frustrated over having their day interrupted. Further, by using BeeKeeper AI for ‘filling in the blanks’ of unclaimed or newly discovered assets, you have an improved dataset of who to reach out to when security vulnerabilities and compliance gaps appear.

BeeKeeper AI, a part of DataBee for Security Hygiene and Security Threats, uses an entity resolution technology to identify potential owners for unclaimed assets and devices based on a few factors such as comparing authentication logs.

BeeKeeper AI is developed with a large language model (LLM) that features strict guardrails to keep conversations on track and hallucinations at bay when engaging these potential owners. This means that potential asset owners can simply respond “yes” or suggest someone else and move on with their day.

Once users respond, BeeKeeper AI can do the rest – including looking for other potential owners, updating the DataBee platform, and even updating the CMDB, sharing its learnings with other tools.

Automatic updates to improve efficiency and collaboration 

Most IT admins and operations teams heave a sigh every time they have to manually update their asset inventories. If you’ve been using spreadsheets to maintain a running, cross-referenced list of unclaimed devices and potential owners, then you’re singing the song of nearly every IT department globally.  

This is where BeeKeeper AI harmonizes with the rest of your objectives. When BeeKeeper AI automatically updates the DataBee platform, everyone across the different teams have a shared source of data, including: 

  • IT 
  • Operations 
  • Information security 
  • Compliance  

Unknown or orphaned assets are everyone’s responsibility as they can become a potential entry point for security incidents or create compliance gaps. BeeKeeper AI can even give you insights from its own activity, allowing you to run user engagement reports to quantify issues like:  

  • Uncooperative users  
  • Total users contacted and their responses 
  • Processed assets, like validated and denied assets 

Since it automatically updates the DataBee platform, BeeKeeper AI makes collaboration across these different teams easier by ensuring that they all have the same access to cleaner and more complete user and asset information that has business context woven in.

a laptop screen with the databee interface showcasing beekeeperai

Responsible AI for security data 

AI is a hot topic, but not all AI is the same. At DataBee, we believe in responsible AI with proper guardrails around the technology’s use and output.

As security professionals, we understand that security data can contain sensitive information about your people and your infrastructure. BeeKeeper AI starts from your clean, optimized DataBee dataset and works within your contained environment. Unique to each organization’s data, BeeKeeper AI’s guardrails keep sensitive data from leakage.

This is why BeeKeeper AI sticks to what it knows, even when someone tries to take it off task. Our chatbot isn’t easily distracted and refocuses attempts to engage back to its sole purpose - identifying and finding the right asset owners.

Making honey out of your data with BeeKeeper AI 

BeeKeeper AI leverages your security data to proactively reach out to users and verify whether they own assets. With DataBee, you can turn your security data into analytics-ready datasets to get insights faster. Let BeeKeeper AI manage your hive so you can focus on making honey out of your data.

If you’re ready to reduce manual, time-consuming, collaboration-inhibiting processes, request a custom demo to see how DataBee for Security Hygiene can help you sing a sweeter tune.

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