| July 27, 2022

Cloud Video Platform: In-Depth

How does your media move? Where does it need to go? What happens when it gets there?

We built the Cloud Video Platform (CVP) quite simply to make the most out of our media: global, national, regional, local, mobile, omnichannel, multi-subscriber, streaming, linear, ad-supported – we believe we’ve got all the adjectives covered. For companies that deliver video assets at scale to audiences around the world, the CVP is the foundation of their modern broadcast and digital delivery model. It provides more efficient content management, more personalized end-to-end workflows, and automated publishing — all built on top of our service-oriented architecture.

This overview takes a longer deep-dive into the CVP and its role as the nexus of modern video management and delivery. The Cloud Video Platform is foundational to an agile, evolving command-and-control architecture designed by CTS to serve the changing needs of modern businesses serving media across all experiences.

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